Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Leaf Peeping 2015 Photo Essay

There really aren't any words for the beauty of Upstate NY in the Fall, so today, we'll let the images do the talking. These photos were shot in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate NY.


All photos ©2015 Rich LaVere. All Rights Reserved. Contact us for information regarding reprints or republishing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Grape Adventure

I've long been fascinated by regional food specialties. Philadelphia has its cheesesteaks. Buffalo has its chicken wings, New Orleans has beignets, Maryland has crab cakes, Kentucky has bourbon...well, that's not a food, but you get the idea.

But perhaps one of the most unusual (and apparently one of the best-kept secrets) are Upstate New York's Grape Pies.

Yep, you heard me right. Grape pies.

I had never heard of them when I first moved to the region, and when I mentioned them to some out-of-state friends recently, they acted as if I had told them of some new exotic species roaming the woods nearby. That gave me the idea to seek out the best example of this regional specialty and report back here. You know...for science and stuff.

As it turns out, Upstate New York farmers grow two things really, REALLY well: Apples and Grapes. In the fall, you can't swing a stick without hitting a roadside stand that sells one or the other. Wineries are popping up in the Finger Lakes region with alarming regularity, and the regional winemakers long ago moved on from the sweet Concord grapes and cheap "jug wines" that used to characterize NY State wines as recently as a few decades ago.

But those sweet, delicious grapes still grow extremely well here, and they make a heckuva pie.

When I started asking the locals for their recommendation for the region's best grape pie, I expected to get all sorts of answers, ranging from the local diner to "my grandmother," but almost to a person, I got the same response everywhere I went:

"You need go to Naples, NY."

Naples is a town (and an adjacent village) that, like so many small towns Upstate, is tucked away amongst the hills in a valley cut by long-ago glacial activity. As of the 2010 census, the population of Naples was just over 2,500 (keep this in mind for later). Grapes were first planted there in the 1760's, and noted Finger Lakes producer Hazlitt Winery has a large production facility there. But what really puts Naples on the map is the annual Grape Festival, held annually since 1961.

They take their grapes seriously here (there's a purple theme going on everywhere), and the whole town gets in the spirit. With vendors selling all things purple and fruity, the faint but unmistakable smell of grapes permeates everything.

Yep. A purple ambulance...
...and a purple fire hydrant. 

For two days each September, Naples plays host to an estimated 60,000 people over a two-day period. That's for a town that normally holds 2,500, in a sleepy small town in Upstate NY that most people couldn't find without a map. It's pretty impressive. What's even more impressive is that they manage to pull it off without a hitch.

This is just a small section of the crowd, and on the second day
I arrived on Sunday morning, having been advised to show up early. Since I was traveling from the South, my guide told me to park near the Southern end of town and walk North to the central area where the "official" festival grounds are held. What I didn't know is that every business and home for nearly a two-mile stretch has a vendor or display out front; I walked the entire route and logged nearly five miles in the process.

And, as is usual in these parts, the people are fantastic. Despite the huge crowds, everyone I met was friendly, talkative, and patient with the sometimes-long lines and with each other. Oh, and this guy:

..but back to my purpose. My mission, if you will. Grape Pies. I had to seek out the best grape pie I could find.

Little did I know what I was up against.

If it can be made from a grape, it's available in Naples. I not only found grape pie, I found grape bread. Grape tarts. Grape cookies. Grape jellies, jams and preserves. Grape twizzler-style candy, Grape Popcorn and Grape flavored candied apples...even wine ice cream and (believe it or not) grape soap (I am not making that up).

To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement. Clearly this was more than I expected. So I started to look for things that had a story. Something interesting, something that stood out. I've been to a lot of festivals and shows, and thought I was pretty jaded (well, I am), but Naples really took me by surprise. Wherever I went, there was something new and interesting to see:

And aside from all the grapes, there were unique handcrafted items, some of which I'd never seen the likes of before (see the end of this post for more information).

Oil lamps made from Adirondack river rocks.

Original Mexican-style folk art

Wine country cork art

But, once again, getting back to the pies:

With so many choices, I knew I was going to have to narrow it down to a few that looked interesting or caught my eye in some way; as much as I like pie, I clearly wasn't going to be able to eat my way through Naples. As I struggled with this quandary, the following sign caught my eye:

That, I thought, was provocative. You just don't proclaim yourself to offer "Mom's Pies" without there being an actual "Mom" involved, and it seemed that the scale of an operation required to feed a potential 60,000 hungry visitors precluded that possibility. This had to be a marketing gimmick, and I had to find out.

As it turns out, I was...wr...wr...well, I can't bring myself to say the actual word, but let's just say I wasn't as right as I could have been. There IS a "Mom" at "Mom's Pies," and she turned out to be pretty awesome, along with the rest of her family.

That's Barb Haefele in the center, the "Mom" of "Mom's pies." It's a family operation, and her son tells me that they shipped in family members just for this festival to make her special pies from her own original recipe. In Barb's own words:

"These are homemade pies; my husband and I make them together. We hand roll out every single one ourselves...we make this crust in very small batches by hand, which is the only way you're going to get a nice crust, and we also do grape chocolate chip bars, which have become a big hit from people from all over. My whole family's here, my daughter from Arizona (and) West Virginia, so we're all here working together at the stand.  
"Every pie is touched by someone in the family, and this year, the grapes are just wonderful; perfect for our pies. And we only make our pies when the grapes are ripe, because if you do them before that you have to add a lot of sugar and we don't like to do that, so our pies, people tell us, taste like real grapes and not jam."
That's the kind of story I was looking for. The best part? They offered "curbside service", which meant that I could drive up on my way out of town, order a pie, and they'd bring it out to my car. With a lot of walking to do, this meant I didn't have to cart around a pie all over the festival. The best part? I didn't show up to retrieve my pie until almost an hour after I talked to Barb, and when I pulled up in my car, everyone remembered my name. Amazing. That's service!

Writing about everything I saw and did during the day would be beyond the scope of this blog; I have enough material for six or seven posts! I found some great handcrafted items, picked up a few gifts, and then prepared to leave. But I had one more stop to make.

Aside from mentioning Naples as a destination for grape pie, many of the people I spoke to had a more specific destination in mind: A place called "Monica's Pies".

Monica Schenk is known as the "Grape Pie Queen" in Upstate NY, and that's no small feat in a region known for that particular specialty. From her small shop just North of Naples, she bakes over 25 varieties of pies, along with jams, jellies and seasonal items, and has been doing so for over 30 years.

This was a destination I had to see for myself.

I really didn't know what to expect, but just two miles up the road from the bustle of the Grape Festival, I saw a cluster of cars surrounding a small nondescript store with a sign out front. I had arrived at the legendary "Monica's Pies."

It quickly became clear to me that there would be no time to talk, no in-depth interview, and no story to learn here. My biggest challenge was finding a parking spot; the lot was jam-packed (no pun intended). In addition to the store, there was a tent set up outside for hungry pie-lovers. There was a long line to get inside the actual store, but it moved quickly, and the staff was incredibly pleasant and helpful. People weren't just buying grape pies, either...I watched as a variety of, well, varieties flew off the shelf. What an operation. I left with a large grape pie, a coffee mug (I'm a sucker for coffee mugs), a brochure and a bar of grape soap. Where else are you going to find grape soap but in Naples?

So, I know what you want to know. Did I find the best grape pie in Upstate NY (and therefore, probably in the world?


I have no idea. But I'll tell you this much: I can honestly say that a Grape Pie from Naples, NY is a little taste of heaven. I won't tell you what my favorite is; that would be blatantly unfair to the efforts of all the people mentioned here. What I will tell you is that this sleepy little burg deserves your attention, and if you ever find yourself in a position to visit, you need to get yourself a grape pie.

You won't be disappointed.

- Rich
  September 27, 2015

If you go (links open in a new window):

Naples NY: Official Website
Monica's Pies: Official Website
Mom's Pies:  Naples, NY (585) 374-2038
"Only One River": St. Lawrence River Rock Candles:
Folk Art: John Finnan Woodworker, Rushville, NY

Pro tip: Show up early for the best parking opportunity, and wear comfortable shoes. There are a large number of vendors, so if you plan on doing a lot of shopping, bring a large bag, a small wagon, or a helper to carry your items. You probably won't want to make a lot of trips back and forth to your car. Parking is free if you can find a spot (they fill up fast); off-street parking is available in several places at a cost of $5, which is well worth the convenience.

There are food vendors galore, selling everything from regional specialties to barbecue, county fair fare, even oddities such as "Breakfast Pierogies." In addition, Naples has several fine restaurants, all of which are open all weekend.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Come Fly With Me

This week, I had the opportunity to visit the Glenn H. Curtiss Aviation Museum in Hammondsport, NY. The Curtiss museum is dedicated to the memory of aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss, and serves as a repository of early aviation history and local history as well. The museum also features an active restoration shop.

The name Glenn Curtiss might not ring a bell with the average person, and that's something this museum quickly works to correct. A DVD presentation in the museum's theater tells the story of Mr. Curtiss, who started his career as a bicycle manufacturer, moved on to racing, manufactured engines for airships, and later built "flying machines" as a member of the "Aerial Experiment Association," a group funded by Alexander Graham Bell. That association would lead to the first pre-announced public flight of a heavier-than-air flying machine in America on July 4, 1908, and Glenn Curtiss would receive U.S. Pilot's licence #1 (Orville Wright received license #5).

Curtiss was also for a time known as "The Fastest Man In The World," a title given to him by newspapers of the time due to his unofficial world record of riding at 136.8 miles per hour on a V8-powered motorcycle he designed. Curtiss also made the first long-distance flight in America, flying from Albany to New York City, and built the first aircraft for the U.S. Navy.

All of that is only part of the Curtiss story, and the museum does a remarkable job of shining a light on a personality that many know nothing about.

The museum features 22 historic aircraft, many originals and some reproductions, including the "June Bug," the plane Curtiss flew on that historic flight in 1908, the U.s. Navy's first airplane, and a 1943 C-46 "commando" WWII transport plane that sits at the museum's entrance.
136 1907!
There is an impressive collection of bicycles, including a "Velocipede," (aka "Boneshaker") circa 1865, and an 1890 high wheeled bicycle. The automobile collection includes a stunning array of classic vehicles from the early 1900s on up. The original motorcycle that earned Curtiss the "Fastest Man On Earth" in 1907 resides at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, but the Curtiss Museum has an exact replica.

Of particular interest is the museum's restoration shop, which is staffed entirely by volunteers. Currently, shop workers are in the midst of restoring a Curtiss P-40 WWII fighter, salvaged from a flight that crashed in the Everglades in 1943 on a training mission. Working from vintage blueprints, these talented craftsmen are making amazing progress.

Panorama of the restoration shop

Another view of the restoration shop
Curtiss' Camera
The museum also serves as a repository for local Hammondsport history, featuring memorabilia from area shops, items from the Curtiss home, farm implements, even collections of model trains and a camera collection that I found particularly fascinating.

As it turns out, Curtiss' first job was with the Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company, which would later be known as the Eastman Kodak Company. Curtiss surreptitiously created (and sneaked into the Eastman shop) a machine that improved a process for which he and his co-workers received piecework payment, thus substantially increasing his earnings, and later took a serious interest in photography.

An impressive collection of cameras through the years.
The breadth of the museum's collection is almost impossible to describe. There are items ranging from vintage farm items that reflect the region's agricultural heritage, a section dedicated to winemaking in the Finger Lakes, collections of wooden boats that display incredible function combined with stunning artistry, and, of course, plenty of transportation items. You never know what you're going to find, and that's part of the fun of this museum.
How's THAT for a sidecar?

In addition to the regular collections, the museum is showcasing a Civil War naval exhibit, including firearms, personal equipment and uniforms through September 7.

The museum is located just outside the town of Hammondsport on Keuka Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate NY. Hammondsport has the distinction of being recently named the "Coolest Small Town in America" by Budget Travel, and the moniker is well-deserved. You'll want to carve out some time to visit the fun shops, restaurants and area wineries in and around the Hammondsport area. You can easily spend the better part of a morning or afternoon in the Curtiss museum, so plan your time accordingly.

If you go:

Glen H. Curtiss Museum
8419 State Route 54
Hammondsport, NY   14840

General Information Line:
607. 569.2160

Adults: $10
Seniors (65 and over): $8.00
Students (7-18): $7.00
Family and group rates available
